About Us

Welcome to the Chandler & Paisley Skies Foundation. Our Foundation was established in 2017 in memory of our children, Chandler and Paisley. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation established to place cooling devices in hospitals to help bereaved parents have more time with their infants who have passed away.

Having been through the loss of our own children, we knew we wanted to find a way to keep their memory alive, while doing good for others. We recognize there is no way to make the grieving process any easier for those going through it, but we also know there are small things that can bring little pieces of comfort to families impacted by this loss.

These cooling devices can have a significant impact on grieving families, whether it is the allowance of more time for family members to meet the infant who has passed away, or simply more time for the mother and father to spend with their child. While there was not a device at the hospital where we delivered Chandler and Paisley, we soon learned of these devices and knew it was something that would have brought us comfort and time. For that reason, we have made it the mission of this Foundation to place as many devices as possible.